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The HYPE Programme is a 12-week programme focusing on self-management skills and strategies that can be later implemented into their school career. Themes include;
- Raising of confidence and self-esteem
- Equipping pupils with the necessary skills and strategies to build and maintain a healthy relationship with other pupils/teachers
- To raise awareness of their own school’s procedures and support with regards to acceptable behaviour
- Encouraging pupils to engage positively and make better choices We use teaching practices which define, model and rehearse skills from the above themes using a restorative approach.
We promote the learning of these skills through experiential and kinaesthetic learning in preparation for their return to school. The programme has been running successfully for the past 16 years and is constantly evolving to meet the needs of referred students. The 12-week programme allows a wide breadth of content written by teachers and experienced practitioners with significant experience working with young people who have social, emotional, behavioural and learning difficulties.