Parents / Carers Support Group

We have started a Parents / Carers Support Group programme which is a safe space for parents and carers to come together for ‘Coffee and Cake’ and to be supported by a range of professionals and specialists. This includes Coffee Mornings with our ASD specialist teacher, our Speech and Language Therapist, the Education Psychologists, supported by the SENDCo. We also offer a 6-week support programme, hosted by the MHST (Mental Health Support Team) for our parents and carers.
These are some of the comments we have had on the meetings which have taken part this year so far
"This has been the most helpful programme I have atended - and there have been a lot over the years!"
"It has been so great to make some friends who also understand what it is like .... I thought I was the only one who experienced this before I came here!"
"It was so helpful to see the Speech and Language therapist - how long would I have had to wait for some advice if I hadn't come here!"
"They were really helpful strategies - thank you"

Please click on the links below to access some of the resources used.
Developmental Language Disorders
Speech, Language and Communication Parents Sheets
RCSLT Supporting Children Fact Sheet (1)
RCSLT Supporting Children Fact Sheet (2)