Art & Design
Art at Haybrook College

The Art curriculum maps follow the National Curriculum expectations and demonstrate how we logically and sequentially build knowledge and skills across the year groups.
The Art & Design curriculum has been designed to suit the pupils’ diverse learning needs. We aim to engage, inspire and challenge our pupils regardless of their ability, through the delivery of a broad and balanced curriculum.
Our aim is that pupils develop an appreciation for Art & Design and see it as a credible route to further education and into employment. We provide opportunities for our pupils to view and interact with art, so that they gain knowledge of different artists and their styles throughout the ages. We want our pupils to leave with a lifelong interest in Art, which can help their mental health and wellbeing.
Pupils follow National Curriculum expectations within Art lessons at Haybrook College. The curriculum has been designed to ensure key concepts and skills are revisited to aid transfer to long-term memory and to sequentially increase the challenge and complexity of the learning. Our ongoing assessments check pupil understanding and individual’s ability to recall and apply these skills and knowledge in different contexts.
It must be recognised that pupils join Haybrook at different points throughout their secondary career. When pupils join us, teachers will assess any prior knowledge and lessons will be skill based. Our teachers will tailor the Art curriculum map, to meet individual needs and to address any gaps in key skills and knowledge.
We encourage all our pupils to ‘have a go’ and to experiment, we offer this through demonstrations, tutorials and support from Art & Design teachers and SCMs. Pupils have the opportunity to experiment with and develop their skills in a range of techniques and media. They have the opportunity to work in a variety of disciplines including, but not limited to; painting, print making, sculpting, dry point and 3D Design.
We have ensured that in KS3, pupils build their skills and knowledge sequentially to ensure that they are well prepared for studying at GCSE level. Pupils in year 10 & 11, will begin their GCSE portfolios. We deliver AQA GCSE which includes 60% coursework (Component 1) and 40% externally set assignment (Component 2.)
Everything undertaken at Haybrook, is linked to our vision: “Inspiring and supporting young people to make positive choices about the future.”
We work together with pupils, to develop their confidence and skills in Art so that our pupils achieve a pass in their GCSE qualifications, with a good knowledge of Art & Design and the potential careers available to them. With our support, they have increased their confidence to visit galleries and exhibitions and appreciate ALL arts.
Our curriculum builds towards this end point.
Please click on the link below to view the Art & Design Curriculum Map: