Public Sector Equality Duty & Objectives

Public Sector Equality Duty

This is applicable to all provisions of Haybrook College.  The college has a duty, under the 2010 Equality Act, to ensure they promote equality within their organisation and this statement sets out how we endeavour to achieve this.

We consider this to be not just a legal duty but a moral one as well.  A belief in the right of every single person to be treated with equal dignity and compassion alongside equal legal protection is fundamental to the ethos which underpins everything we do in our schools.  The Equality Act 2010 was introduced to ensure protection from discrimination, harassment and victimisation on the grounds of specific characteristics (referred to as protected characteristics).  For schools this means that it is unlawful to discriminate against individuals or treat them less favourably because of their sex, race, age, disability, religion or belief, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, pregnancy or maternity. 

Under the Act, the school is expected to comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED).  This requires us to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation.
  • Advance equality of opportunity between different groups.
  • Foster good relations between different groups. 

As a public organisation, we are required to:

  • Have due regard to the PSED when making decisions, taking action or developing policy and practice.
  • Publish information to show compliance with the Equality Duty.  
  • Publish Equality Objectives which are specific and measurable. 

We have set the following Equality Objectives for all at Haybrook College.  We will review how well we achieve these at least annually: they will be updated at least every four years. 

Objective 1

To ensure that all staff and trustees are aware of the current legislation surrounding equality and diversity and understand their responsibilities

Objective 2

To actively promote awareness, inclusivity and diversity for all, ensuring community cohesion, actively opposing all forms of discrimination and engendering a sense of belonging for all.

Objective 3

To acknowledge the existence of mental health issues, signposting and actively offering support and guidance, ensuring mental health challenges are not stigmatised

Objective 4

To actively seek to close gaps in attainment and achievement between pupils for all groups of pupils, particularly those eligible for pupil premium, those with SEN, looked after pupils and pupils with English as an Additional Language.