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Haybrook College Trust has The Gateway as its own post 16 provision. Places are available for young people who apply from non Haybrook provisions as well as from the Haybrook centres Activate, Millside and Springboard. The Gateway continues to support the most at risk of being Not in Education Employment or Training (NEET) or who have been NEET for a significant period of time, for whom a place in a mainstream post 16 provision is too big a step or those who have attended a local FE College and dropped out. Other referrals come from Slough’s SEND department, the Integrated Youth Services or from other local authorities. All our young people have complex social emotional, and mental health issues; many with additional difficulties such as substance misuse, offending behaviour or a range of safeguarding concerns. There are no entry requirements or barriers to enrolling. Slough is described as having a large proportion of its children living in poverty and almost all learners have significant issues, with mental health, learning needs and or violence (witnessing or involvement)  

Our Curriculum: Entry 1 to GCSE all taught in the Gateway Hub – English, Maths, Business, ICT, PSD, Statistics and vocational options – Motor Vehicle studies, Construction and Catering.   

In addition to achieving qualifications, the aim is always to prepare the young people for the world of work and empowering them with the skills required to maintain a place at an FE college or in employment.  

Our vision which underpins everything we do is: "Inspiring and supporting young people to make positive choices about the future” 

We are passionate about our vision which guides us in all that we do for our learnersall learners have the right to be included! We value the diversity of our community and our work is totally underpinned by the principle that all learners can achieve and make progress in their lives. Whilst offering learners personalised teaching and learning pathways that will allow them to achieve both academically and socially, we want them to be and to feel valued members of society and to gain access to further education courses of study and secure employment that matches their needs and skill sets. 

The most important aim for the College is that it equips all learners with the qualifications and skills needed to progress in their education and/or gain employment upon leaving the College. The College remains extremely proud of its record on this front with: 

  • a continued drive on improving teaching and learning across the school in order to raise standards and student progress. The ‘3 L Approach’ enables focus to encourage and to become independent learners, independent leaders and to show independent behaviours. 
  • a commitment to developing a curriculum that best serves the needs of our learners being creative, flexible and proactive. 
  • strong partnerships with local colleges, secondary schools, alternative education providers and business.  
  • an active commitment to high quality professional development for our staff so that all see themselves as ‘leaders’ in their own particular field. 

Louise Payne

Head of Centre