Welcome To


Where withdrawn young people find their voice

Apollo is an educational programme of lessons and experiences designed to develop self-confidence in chronically withdrawn young people in Years 10 and 11, whose difficulties make it impossible for them to attend mainstream school.

We are situated in a beautiful custom built room within Haybrook College which has its own entrance and toilet facilities.

Our programme consists of two strands, both leading to externally accredited qualifications:-

  1. Academic strand: core subjects for GCSE are delivered through online lessons provided by Academy21 who are the first Online Alternative Provision Accredited by the DfE - see their Ofsted Report Here
  2. Confidence building strand: activities include Art, Cookery, Music, Sport, Personal Development, Work Experience, Careers and visits to places of interest.

Pupils who commit to the programme and make a positive contribution to community life at Apollo find they increase their confidence, resilience and self-esteem. Most go on to college or work placements when they leave us at the end of Year 11: many achieve goals which they and others had not thought possible.

A Recipe for Success: Academy21 and Apollo at Haybrook College

Watch the video testimonial from long-time Academy21 partner, the Apollo centre at Haybrook College, hear how Julia works with us to support her students